Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I would like to begin by saying this blog is created as a school assignment, but I hope to make something that will benefit my family.  I would like to share a few thoughts.  First I am not a writer.  Second life is not fair, so get over it.  Lastly, family can bring us the greatest happiness as well as the biggest heartache.  That may sound strange, but it's true.  My greatest joy comes from time spent with my children and my husband's family.  Some of my greatest struggles have come from my relationships with what I call my first family, the one I was born into.  I won't go into details here because it's not necessary.  What I will say is this, these struggles have helped me appreciate the family my husband and I created, my second family, even more.  It has given me a desire to feel connected to my ancestors and learn more about them.

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