Wednesday, January 15, 2014


There's a favorite Primary song that deals with faith.  It compares it to a seed and when planted, grows.  This hymn also states that faith is knowing that the sun will rise in the morning.  I think that sometimes even when we know something, it still takes faith to keep on believing that it will continue happening.  Take a seed for instance.  When we plant a seed in rich soil, tend it by watering it, pull the weeds when necessary, we have faith that it will grow.  Sometimes though even with the tender care given, the seed doesn't blossom.  It could because the seed is too old or something else is wrong with it.  Instead of giving up, we keep trying.  We take another seed and tend to it as carefully as the first.  Again, this may have the same result as the first seed, but it might not.  When we have faith we keep trying.  This occurs frequently when searching for ancestors.  Sometimes we find things in our search and sometimes we don't.  Just because we don't find something we give up.  Instead we try looking in a different spot or try a different type of record.  In other words we keep going.  This is what it means to me to have faith, to keep going even when it seems like I'm going nowhere.

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